Josh McDowell

42, Male

Frankford, DE

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I found this site while looking up solutions and support for male pattern baldness. Losing my hair is very difficult for me but I'm finding that I am not alone in this. I want to shave my head but am very self conscious about it.If you are from the Delmarva area give me a shout.
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Josh, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Sarah Car

    Hi Josh.Thank you for the complement. I love my new look! Welcome back to AW. Hope you have a great day!