John M.


United States

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About Me:
Hello everyone. I joined this site on Thursday, August 20th 2009. About 5 weeks prior, I noticed three spots on my head after a hair cut. I initially thought I had gotten a REALLY bad haircut and shrugged it off. After about 1.5 weeks, I noticed that the spots really haven't grown in at all. Upon closer examination, I realized they were completely bald.

3 weeks later, I went to my General Practictioner, then to my Dermatologist and they confirmed that I had AA. During the course of those 3 weeks, the original 3 spots got much worse (bigger), and about 4 more spots came up of varying sizes. Some coalesced together to form a bigger spot.

Anyway, needless to say, I was rather freaked out by the whole ordeal. If that wasn't bad enough, while at the doctor's office, I found out I also had high blood pressure. I'm unsure if the stress of my hair falling out contributed to it, or if it was just my general health.

Right now, I'm focusing on my blood pressure and trying to get that down naturally with excercise, diet, and weight loss. So far the numbers have come down, but still not below normal 120/80 ranges yet. I keep telling myself that the BP is the more important issue and the AA shouldn't bother me. Truth be told, it still bothers me.

If ALL that wasn't bad enough, all this happened just weeks before my 35th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDEED!!! :-)

Its exceptionally hard for me since my wife is working abroad for a few years. She's wonderful, exceptional, and supportive. However, SKYPE can only go so far. She's entirely strong and my rock though.

Anyway, I was reassured when I found this site and hope I can make some connections with many of you. I could certainly use some advice and support right now, and promise I will give the same in return.

Take care,

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jeff W

    Hi John!

    Nice to hear from you. I've also not been on the site very much lately, but I do still come here occasionally to check up on my AW friends! Things have been good on the hair front! I'll need to send you an email so we can catch up!

  • Aliennation

    Hi John opefully we wil have a support in houston soon!
  • Heather L

    Hey Blast from the past!! So awesome to hear from you!!! Happy to hear all is continuing to go well with your hair..... keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Things with me ... my hair - still chasing spots. You know as long as it will continue to stay "just spots" and not develop into total hairloss I think I can handle it.... or at least getting used to it! I do have some very sad news - last month My sweet little dog Bentley died. He was 15 and had a long and wonderful life - trying to find comfort in that but miss him so badly!!! Things at work have picked up - hopefully we have turned a corner for good! Just re-joined my neighborhood kayak group for the season ... so looking forward to that! Keeping busy!

    How about you - fill me in with what you have been up too!