Saida Z. (Ariana's mom)


las vegas, nv

United States

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About Me:
My 8 yr old daughter has Alopecia Areata since april of 09, this decease caught me by surprise i had never heard about it. Her hair has come and gone, she is such an amazing little girl she copes with it better than i can, at this point she doesn't mind alopecia she is happy and busy being a 8 yr old.

2011 update: My daughter's hair had been growing for over 6 months all on its own without spots, this year she started school without a wig, she has about 90% hair back the problem is that I just found two new spots :( for a minute we thought we were done with this Alopecia thing
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Cindy

    you may need to find a Mayo clinic or a chilrens' hospital. Good luck. Your insurance may cover the out of state costs. I know of 2 families that sought the treatment out of state and it was covered. Good luck.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    hi ariana my name is amanda i am 8.
  • Sarah Eisenhardt

    Hi Ariana have a happy halloween love Caden