

Golden, CO

United States

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About Me:
Hi! My name is Amy. I live in Golden CO and I am 40 years old. I have a very supportive husband and a very cute maltipoo puppy. I found my 1st round bald spot in early 2010. I went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with AA. She gave me some medication to put on it and the hair grew back. By Dec. 2010 I started to lose the hair around my face and my hair was falling out in clumps. I bought my 1st wig in April 2011. About 2 months later I shaved my remaining hair. I have other autoimmune diseases (lupus and ulcerative colitis) and this is by far the most difficult to deal with. Losing my hair has been so difficult. Some days are more difficult than others. I am so thankful I found this website. It has been so helpful.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Kristine

    Hi Amy. No complaints today. I just got a wig in the mail the other day. It's actually cute. It's a fringy bi-level bob wig. I might run over it with my car tomorrow but I'm digging it today. lol. I have such a love hate about it. You look gorgeous bald !

  • Jen E

    It's funny people have often told me they prefer to see me with my blad head than with a wig and when I look at your two pictures I get it. Don't get me wrong, you look beautiful with hair but you're truly glowing without! jen

  • Lisa-Lynn Marini

    Hi hun I forgot to mention when and if you get the product CHI remember to wet. The ends with water first and you only need dine size rub in your hands then run the ends takes about1/2 hour to dry but its soo worth it and it has an amazing smell!! God Bless xo