

Montreal, Quebec


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About Me:
Hey guys! I'm Jess. I'm 23 and have been living with AU for a year.
I first lost my hair two years ago, but mainly on my scalp. It grew back completely within 4 months.
This time around, I lost all the hair on my body and haven't had any sign of regrowth until 6 months in where I began growing peach fuzz on my face. Today, a year in, I am beginning to see some white eyelashes on my right eye. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but it is pretty damn exciting!

I have my good days and my not so good days, but AU has really taught me to see and live life differently. Today I am surrounded by people that love me for who I am and not for the length of my eyelashes, and am doing what I love and not what is expected of me.

I am here to learn about your experiences and to get a little more info on how to make life a tad easier with makeup tips, wigs, and ways to dig myself out of the "why me" blues. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Kayla DeMarini

    Hey, im 21 and AU since i was 18 months old....if you ever feel like talking you can add me on facebook (i dont come on here often) Kirsten Werwath...aloha! =)

    btw love your wig just like comment below, whered you get it? im in the market for a new one! Thanks!

  • Nicky

    Hey Jessica! How are you?

  • Jack Kelly

    thank you dear =) i was actually in Montreal a while back. i loved it out there! def one of my fav places to visit. Hope your doing well. Stay Beautiful!