kristy bettes


Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a 45 year old female recently diagnosed with alopecia aerota.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Kristy,
    Thank you for the friend request and I do send hugs your way. Please let me know if I can help in any way and answer any questions. I lost my hair 5 years ago, so I know where you're coming from.

  • Ashle

    Hi Kristy!
    Thank you for commenting on my post. I am sorry to hear that you are also going through the same situation :( I too was diagnosed with AA about 2 months ago because of a number of bald patches that had developed on my head (Mostly on the top). I then proceeded to develop an ophiasis pattern around my ears and back of the neck.
    Now, I haven't discovered any new spots, but rather am just experiencing ridiculous amounts of diffused hair loss. Im not sure why this progression has happened, but I found similarities in your story as well. I have had blood taken for thyroid tests, B12/iron deficiency tests, and a CBC- all normal. I also am waiting to hear back regarding a hormone test, a gluten intolerance test, and an autoimmune disorder test. I suppose I am just begging for my hair loss to be related to SOMETHING rather than nothing. I'd like to feel proactive in treating it rather than just sit around, crying, with handfuls of hair.
    I unfortunately am in the UK and am not able to go to see a Dermatologist or Endocrinologist unless I pay a pretty hefty fee. I have to wait until an appointment opens up which could be anywhere from 4 weeks - 6 months (so basically by the time Im bald!).
    I hope everything is going well for you. I know this may seem like a crazy suggestion, but it really helped me. My husband insisted that I go get my hair cut- just a trim- and it really made me feel quite amazing for a few days. If you're feeling down, I highly suggest it. especially if you trust your hairdresser. Feel free to message me! Have a great day!


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome!

    How are you today?

    Leslie Ann