Kathryn Michael



United Kingdom

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About Me:
First hairloss 1984, grew back after finding intolerant to certain foods. recent patches started a couple of years ago. Update Jan 2010 - On recent months patches joining up and getting worse.
Update March 2010 - hairline now back behind ears and have a mohican strip down the middle of my head! been wearing a wig for 4 weeks and has boosted my confidence.
Update April 2010 - Shaved off remaining hair. I got fed up with the little bit on the top. My hairdresser kindly did the back for me! Feel much better about myself now.
Also this week, went public at work and I got an amazing response. Most didn't realise it was a wig!
Update May 2010 - Went wig free for first time out of work. Have now gone public in all walks of my life. Had some lovely emails from people when they found out. Apparently I have a beautiful shaped head and my eyes stand out even more now. Just need to remember to use factor 50 on my head and wear a hat in the sun. There is some regrowth but it keeps falling out after a while. Keeping it shaved short - to a number 1. Onwards - and we'll see what happens.
Update July 2010 - All new growth that had appeared over past couple of months has now fallen out again. The few areas where I hadn't lost hair are now losing it. Mostly the brown hair is falling, leaving me with patches of white hair. Still got my eyebrows and eyelashes, we'll see how long they last.
Update Aug 2010 = Eyebrows have started to thin out.
Update November - No Eyebrows or eyelashes left
Update January 2011- Not getting too excited but.... After several months of the remaining white hair faliing out then growing a bit in small patches then falling out again I have some hair on areas of my head where there has been no hair for over 18 months. Let's see how long it lasts!
Update March 2020 Been hair free since last update, odd bits of regrowth but it falls out again
It doesn't rule my life
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Georgia Gardner

    Hey :)
    So glad to hear from someone about this.
    So... I'm creating a dramatic piece which literally tells people's real alopecia stories. I've heard from a couple of people so far - stories about the first appearance of the dreaded spots, first wigs, how they came to acceptance, thoughts, feelings, family things, random funnies. What ever you are interested in saying. If you're interested in writing something down for me, really anything you had to say about it would be wonderful. also anything about yourself would really help the performance.
    I'm really keen to show that alopecia affects everyone - regardless of age or gender or place. For the "place" part, I'd really like to show that this is a global issue. I have stories already from America, Asia and some other Aussies like me :) but i'm missing anything for your edge of the world.

    Sorry, if I seem really hyperactive and strange about this. I'm really quite excited about it all.
    If you're at all interested, please inbox me or comment on my page here :)
  • velvet

    Thanks for your comment and i would love to talk to anyone whenever i can but an not on here often cause it takes ages to load on my phone feel free to add me on facebook velvet x
  • Vicsta

    HI Kathryn

    Thanks for your friend request and message - AW cut off half the message LOL! I think I got the gist though. I am just looking at your website.
