
47, Female


United States

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About Me:
I had alopecia when I was a child and had complete regrowth for years. Then in the last 3 years I have lost about 50-60% of my hair. I have a very hard time with this and am having a harder and harder time covering it up. I just can't make myself go look at wigs even though I know I will look better. I also don't talk to anyone about this except my husband. I am glad I came across this site, I guess I thought I was the only person in the world dealing with this.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • MiNAH

    As you have been told..one thing to remember is that yes..the prosthetic can get hot.In summer as long as your in air con it's fine.
    Winter is the best time.....nothing is full proof.
    So just enjoy all the wigs there are as long as they are comfortable for you to wear.
  • Amber

    Hi Jaimie. I read your blog about the Virtuesse hair systems and am wondering what you decided to do? I am considering getting one and am leaning towards those. I am sick of regular wigs and want something that lets me swim and be more active, as i really find I restrict myself from these activities. If you got one what do you think of it? Pros/cons? Thanks :)
  • Cindy Molnar

    Hi Jamie, Sorry I haven't responded to you. I don't get on here very much. I am a leader of a support group for Alopecia Areata in Northeast Ohio. We are having a meeting this coming Sat. Nov. 21st at 11:00 am St. Thomas Hospital in Akron, Ohio. We meet in Meeting Room A near the Cafeteria. If you have time, stop by I'd like to meet you. If you want me to send you some info on what our group just let