Metoaka Perez


Loudon, TN

United States

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with alopecia almost two years ago. To help my oldest son offered to grow his hair out to help out with others who also have hair growth problems. Shortly after his first one foot donation he too was diagnosed with alopecia. Since then I have traveled to his school to educate his classes and hopefully the whole student body as to what alopecia is and isnt. I am still learning alot and am glad that I can help my son to better understand.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Metoaka,
    I would love for your son to be able to talk to Jon. I told him about your son but at the moment Jon does not want to chat with anyone about his AA. I am hoping that he will think about it and change his mind. He is going through a rough patch at the moment. It is coming up to two weeks now since he went to school and seems quite happy to stay at home and do nothing. His friends and the teaching staff are well aware of what alopecia is about but I think one new teacher didn't know and asked him to remove his hat in class and that was that. I am not sure because he won't say.
    I am hoping to get him into counselling.
    I will keep you posted on whether Jon will decide to talk to Wakiza.
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Metoaka,
    How are you and Wakiza doing? We have made friends on this site with a boy named Jake - look at my home page. He is 12 and wishes to communicate with other boys of his age. Maybe Wakiza would like to communicate with him?
    All the best
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Metoaka,
    How are you and Wakiza going?