

Northport, NY

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
At 50 years old, I started losing my hair on December 14, 2011 and by New Years Eve 2011, I was completely bald. By mid February, 2012, I lost all of my body hair. I have no family history of any auto immune disease. I do, however, have a history of allergies, eczema and mild asthma. Over the next four months, I have tried three rounds of steroid injections to my scalp, topical steroid lotions and Aldara, to no avail. The emotional scarring is devastating. I am just beginning to come out of the shock of this. I am grateful for NAAF and websites such as this.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, LouiseMadeline!
    How are you today? I have AU, too...for many years.
    Leslie Ann

  • Gra C

    G'day LouiseMadeline. Never give up hope. I started with AA 2 years ago. Progressed rapidly to AU. I have now had complete well 98% regrowth for the last 3 months. Feels strange to have hair again. So all the best to and never give up hope.

  • Gra C

    It came back without warning.I mean really fast...Eyelashes came back blonde at first then fell, now dark and long again.Eyerows felt like overnight,though when you are used to nothing, twenty or so hairs feels like a jungle.My head came back so quickly that it hurt and i must admit that shaving{face} again is a drag. The only treatment that I used was liquorice. Approx 50 grams a day. Read somewhere that the ancient egyptians used it to promote healthy hair and skin. I will post some photos this weekend. Once again take care.