Heather Tarantino


Seminole, FL

United States

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About Me:
I am a 34, married, and a mother of a beautiful 5 year old daughter(who has enough hair for both of us). I have had alopecia universalis since age 2 (32 years). My grandmother also had universalis since age 5. I had a very unpleasant childhood, but things changed when my family moved to a new state, I started high school,and had a fresh start. It has taken me many many years for me to finally accept and understand that weather I had hair or didn't had no bearing on who I was and if someone wasnt ok with me, I wasn't ok with them. I am still work in progress, but over the past few years have become much more open about myself and my story.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Fiona

    Hi.  Thanks for friending me.  I am impressed with your strength dealing with AU from such a young age.  Its people like you who gave me the confidence to "go topless" as much as I am

  • Fiona

    CA is flipping hot too, which does help!!  LOL  Little steps - that is what it takes

  • Lexi

    Heather, hello!  We both know flippin' hot.  I am in Tampa.  Where do you get your wigs?  Ever been to Abby's?  Pretty nice place.  That is on your side of the bay.