Adam Elliott


United Kingdom

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About Me:
I'm Adam and I live in the Uk :D
I'm a 14 yr old boy and have Alopecia Areata,
bit of a bummer but you know.
Stay positive everyone!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Aspen

    hahahaaahah i have two weeks of school left then i am out of school for 3 months! :D i am sooooo excited! Summer of 2011 here I come! :) hahahhah but yea its pretty awsome... getting to sleep in till 12:00 in the afternoon, gettting up and eating all day, then at night going partying! ;D haahahhhhh yea being out of school for 3 months is the best thing ever! :D
    Aspen :)
  • Aspen

    yea my exams are almost done 2 more nxt week then i am done yayyy :)!! but psh my summer is nothing but hanging out with friends and parties! :D hahahhhah and going to the beach gotta have my beach tan! :D haha but yea i hope your 2 months off goes good hahahah
    good luck on the rest of your exams!
    Aspen :)
  • Aspen

    hahahah i passed my exams! :) i hope yours went wel! :) but no no drinking just dancing and hanging out! ;) but yea i actually went to the beach for two weeks i just got back! i got an awsome tan!
    well ttyl
    Aspen :)