
37, Female

Arlington, VA

United States

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About Me:
Hi my name is Natalie! I am 31 years-old and work for a non-profit organization in downtown Washington, DC. My professional and personal goals in life are to make the world a better place for others!

I've had alopecia since I was 14; for the first five or six years I would only lose one or two small patches at a time and they would grow back themselves within a few months. As I got older, more hair started falling out. I have tried everything from monthly cortisone injections to oral steroids to steroid creams and ointments. I also received Reiki therapy for two years. Reiki is an ancient Asian form of healing that helps one to channel their own energy for the positive; it essentially aids one in healing themselves and growing. Although it didn't help my hair grow back, it certainly helped me deal with stress and brought me to the realization that I hold the key to success in my own life. Anyways, around Jan. 09, my hair began falling out to the point where I had an extremely difficult time hiding it anymore. After much thought, many tears, and years of varying treatments, I decided to shave it all off! It was amazingly liberating and has been the best thing that I have done so far in this crazy alopecia journey of mine. I feel like healthy, happy, lively ME again! I just got my second Freedom vacuum wig and am couldn't be happier! It is insanely comfortable and the hair is extremely high-quality. Additionally, I have lots of fun with my bald head and the many options I now have (bald head, wig, scarf, hat, bandana!)

My favorite things to do are: reading, canoeing, running, riding my bike, cooking, shopping, or camping. I have been running since high school, and it is has become my main source of "therapy." Running has always been the best way for me to find my inner strength and keep smiling. In a world where we often find ourselves not in control (such as having alopecia), running is something that I do have control over, and it makes me feel both physically and mentally strong. I have completed 6 half marathons and one full marathon and can't wait to begin training for another one!

And last, but not least, I have an amazing family who has been supportive from day one as well as a great group of friends. My husband is also amazingly supportive and is such a rock in my life. He never fails to make me laugh, and he always tells me how beautiful I am- with or without hair. This is a great website for support; I am so happy to have found it! Feel free to ask me any questions regarding alopecia or life in general :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Josh and Kiah

    It was great to meet you too! Kiah was so excited that you are working for a congressman. I think you gave her a little inspiration... and she really liked your wig! Hope to meet your mom at our event and maybe we also hope you will be able to make it to one some time!

  • Jayran

    Natalie thank you so much for your message and your helpful links and information. I really appreciate it! I'm going to contact them as soon as possible.

  • powbarbie

    You're so beautiful Natalie! Your page made me smile so much. It made me see that the day I lose all my hair, I can live a normal life <3 Can you pull you freedom wig without it coming off? Have you tried roller coasters? :] xo