
38, Female

Annapolis, Maryland

United States

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with "alopecia areata totalis" in August 2007 at Johns Hopkins.

I had super long hair, and lost about 95% of it. However, after tons of Anthralin, chinese herbs, acupuncture...and who knows what hair grew in very thick! Hurray.

Things are going much better for me now, and I hope to provide support and friendship to others who have or have had alopecia.

I was very lucky to have very understanding friends and family, but I know not everyone is as fortunate.

Send me a message, I'll be there!

**update** - I keep going through bouts of alopecia, but it has never been as bad as it was back in 2007. Every few months I'll get some bald spots, use my anthralin, and then some regrowth happens. My doctors and acupuncturist can't figure out what the cause is, just that anthralin tends to work on it, as long as I keep to it. Which is very taxing! Ha.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • janice lightsey

    hi sara i just wanted to stop in and wish you an awesome 4th of july hope you have a great weekend xoxox..jlightsey
  • Kimberly

    Hello. Can you tell me details about the cream? I've been doing the injections, but they are no longer working. Would the cream be my next step? What are the side effects?
  • Adrian Theopulos

    How big of a part do you think the acupuncture played in your hair regrowth?