Ashley Garrett


Mount Sterling, KY

United States

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About Me:
Hi Everyone! I am so glad that i found this web site! I have been losing my hair since i was 15. i never really worried about it because i have always been able to cover it up untill recentley. can't wait to meet some new friends :)
*~*~*~*God doesnt give us what we can handle, he helps us handle what we are given!*~*~*~*~
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Brian Garrett

    Hey Ashley, supposedly this condition is meant to be pretty rare, what's the chances two people with exactly the same surname having it!? Wierd! Got to be honest, not to excited about the whole prospect!

    Take care

  • Jessica

    hey Ashley,

    iam so sorry didn't reply sooner..that is my new vacuum wig I got back in Oct. since then I've cut bang and were it with some curl so looks a bit different.
    so how are thing coming with you. saw your comment above on the pregnancy CONGRATS yeah that is awesome. would love to hear how your doing
    take care
  • Jessica


    well yes i like it but it does get a bit hot for me at times. the hair is awesome and looks real i think. go to the reps sites and you can view what others look like or join the group on here for vacuum wigs
    they do take several months to make as they have to find hair for you. you get to pick color texture etc. the price is a draw back but add up what you spend on your other wigs etc and see if that would work for you. i think!! that they start at 2700 and go up in price from there.. it depends on how long you want it to be.
    here is another thing to think about as your preggers
    a big weight gain or loss can mess with the fit so i've heard so if your going to lose a lot of weight maybe be wait to get one but ask your rep for sure. but i think that's why mine may get warmer then most at i was at my heaviest when i ordered. i had just got of the steriods which i gained 30 lbs and lost that plus so i may need at some poit to get rescanned.
    feel free to ask away
    and can't wait to hear all about the bumpkin