


United States

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About Me:
Bald and loving every minute of it!
when i grow up i want to be the president of the United States.
my goals in life are to make a statement that even though we look different doesn't mean we are any different then anyone else and my hair loss has helped me do that. i think that Alopecia was the best thing that ever happened to me because it has made me a more brighter person and has given me the privlege to reach out and help others that dont take this disease as well as i do. this disease has also made me not be judgmental on other people's appearance which i am very thankful for! i might be young but i know what i want to do in life even if people think i dont.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Max

    haha i want to dance!!! *dances* my computer was being stupid >.3
  • Nezz

    Hi Anna, I'm Inez. How are you?
    You've got a great outlook on life, the things you say are so encouraging for those of us that aren't quite feeling that way right now.
    It's nice to "meet" you.
    Would love to talk xxx
  • ashton : )

    hii anna , im ashton , i would lovee to get to know you ! message me sometime