Eliza alisa abgail


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Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • velvet

    lol nom
  • Norm

    Hiya You, how's it going? I've gotta split in a mo' - it's daft o' clock here - but just wanted to say, I hope you'll come to my funeral after LB's killed me for adding that "dog" comment to her blog. Make sure you bring flowers, cry a lot, and throw y'self on my coffin - much appreciated -Thanks!
    Hugs an' that.... Me xx

  • Norm

    £1? For 2000 words?? Hey, I might be cheap, but I'm not THAT cheap. What's the subject, anyway? I kinda like "The Mating Habits of Articulated Lorries on Lonely Lancashire Lay-Bys". I'm sure we could manage a few thousand words about that. :) But, University, eh.... making you do all the things you'll never be asked to do, when you're out in the Real World. Tchoh! :)