


United Kingdom

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hi everybody ,iv just signed up to the site on behalf of my daughter chloe ,who will b joinin up as well to chat to ppl like herself ,and also get ideas and how ppl cope wiv alopecia ,and any new ideas that ppl suggest ,im just here if anybody wants to chat ,plus i can chat to ppl ,plus im here if chloe dont really understand anything,also to give chloe the support ,i feel chloe is quite strong ,as she goes to school wiv no wig ,which in my eyes is very strong ,chloe had alot to put up wiv in the begin ,but obviously ppl got to know chloe and now r great wiv her ,chloe cant really com to grips of wearing her wig to school now as she thinks she will lok more odd as ppl know her wiv no hair ,chloe also dont like the wig as it irrates her head ,so im trying to find out if anybody knows anything abt this hair bein glued in ,anybody knows anything plz get in contact ,thanks,nikki
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Adrian Coe

    hi nikki....hows sunny plymouth? gettin bloody colder by the day up here! guess thats what we expect up north..hows chlobags these days...coping alright...she seems comfortable enough on pics..plenty of long has she had AA ....has she had the usual dermotoligist consultations?
    what does she do in spare time..hope she keeps busy with something...focusing on something is a great stress relief...not that i belief this condition has anything to do with stress like? but i can make it worse....any way take care you too..and stay out of trouble haha
  • Fabienne

    Hi Nikki, i'm new in the group but nice to meet you !!!
  • Fabienne

    Hi, I´m Maru Fabienne's mom. I think like your mother. We have to support ours kids and show them to live whit alopecia is not really big deal, fortunatley is just only apereance! nothing that a good wig can be better!!
    Have a nice day both!! (sorry about my english)