

United Kingdom

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About Me:
I have had Alopecia Universalis since 2003. Mostly I am fine about it, but just occasionally, somebody stares or says something and it gets to me, but then I expect we are all like that.

I am single again after a long marriage. Being single has changed my outlook on life, I feel for the first time in years I am myself, but miss being in a relationship.

I know nobody who has alopecia, but suspect there are people in my area who are, but always wear a hair piece. My wig used to go on when the weather got chilly, and went back in the box asap ! but now I very rarely wear a wig. I felt that I was wearing the wig for other people and their feelings, and not for me, so now people see I’m bald and they are the ones who have to deal with it. I also feel at this moment in time, that my alopecia has a lot to answer for, but that changes depending on how my life is lol !

Its just nice to chat to people on the net, who understands and have the same feelings.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • margaret watson

    Hi Gill,
    Trying to arrange a meet up in the exeter area or dorset. Where exactly to do live. I'm in Woodbury, between Exeter and Exmouth. Thinking of meeting up with Jude from Dorset one evening. Would be great if you could join us too. My mobile number is 07734102776. Feel free to give me a bell! Maybe we won't feel alone with alopecia for much longer.
    Margaret x
  • margaret watson

    Hi, I’m trying to arrange a get together this coming Saturday 23rd May. Can you meet up? When I find out who can make it I’ll arrange a mid way meeting place. I’m from Exeter – please let me know which town you coming from. I can’t wait to (at long last) meet others in the flesh who have alopecia. Margaret xx
  • David B327

    Hi Gill I read your discussion regarding head tattoos. I don't have one myself, and I can understand you being wwary. However I would say that if you decide that's what you want then go for it. Just make sure you pick the right design.

    Take care