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About Me:
Hi. I'm rebecca, But alot of people call me becky. I have Alopecia Areata, and i started to loose hair when i was 4. When i was little i didn't really care what happend to my hair, but Now i'm 13, and its hard being a teenager. You always wan't to look perfect. I lost all my hair when i was 12, the middle of 6th grade. In the summer i started to wear a wig. I couldn't be any happier. Yes, i have some tough times but i get through them. (:

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Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Cindy

    You can google SADBE and it will tell you all about it and your mom can email me and I can give her all the details of our experience if she'd like. I will say this that I suggest seeing a doctor skilled with this treatment and if you have sensitive skin and won't be able to tolerate itchiness and an irritation on your scalp then this is not for you...I do promise to give you more details about it if you'd like. I know I did post Sam's experience at one point in the treatment group some time ago. Have a nice day!!
  • Lisa

    I like your wig. Where did you get it and how much was it? I am looking for one, my hair is starting to fall out fast!
  • Cindy

    Hi Becky, how are things going? Cindy