


Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a mommy to three beautiful girls, Isley and Lynnea, and baby Fiona, and have been married to my best friend, Graeme, for 11 years. We live in sunny western Canada. I'm just entering my 30's and life has never been better. I'm very blessed and I look forward to each day.

Alopecia touched our lives when my youngest daughter, Lynnea, developed it at just 8 months of age. She's now 5, and we've been seeing a naturopath and have been seeing some improvement in her immune system activity. She's even grown her eyebrows back! We know that this might be temporary, but she's beautiful with or without hair. She has a sparkling smile and a personality that just shines.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Nikki

    Hi Janna:

    That is so sad about your daughter. I have a daughter age 6 and it's my worst fear that she to will get Alopecia. My mom has it to. So it's on my mind a lot. How does she cope? Does she want to wear hair or go au naturel?? With me... mine started at 11 and I made it through school and even my wedding. But shortly after that I had to wear a hair piece. Now...some 18 years later I am good with it. My husband loves that I don't spend hours in the bathroom and there is never hair all over the floor. So some positives. I would love to meet one day. Actually I am supposed to be in Victoria for business at the end of the Nov. Not sure 100% if it's going to work - but I would love to meet up with you. If I don't end up coming - do you ever come to Vancouver?? I have organized a meet and greet (it was in the summer). Only one person came. I will try and do it again though. It's nice to know that there is others with the same problem.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. I look forward to talking more to.
  • Nikki

    Hi Janna:

    Thanks so much for your note. I to am not on AW that often. I try to remember to check - but time sometimes escapes me.

    Let me know if you do end up coming to Vancouver. I know I am a lot older than your daughter - but perhaps meeting someone else with a similar problem would help. And if she meets my mom (also has alopecia) and can see that I am her daughter with the same problem..... whatever you think is best. I know some little girls in Alberta with the same problem. Breaks my heart.

    I hope you had a great holiday. I look forward to meeting you one day. Let me know if you make it across the water.

    Your friend Nikki
  • Danielle

    Red Ribbon