44, Female


United States

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About Me:
I hate filling out online forms that give too many losers from my past the resource they need to find me *lol*
Hello..I'm Taylor, I have had Alopecia Universalis for 20 years. I'm skeptical when joining 'new' alopecia "groups" because I usually find that while I was searching for other individuals to share something in common with, I find that not having hair doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm extremely against self pity, I can't stand for someone to tell me they are sorry I don't have hair! (I mean really, HAIR! I'm not, have never been and will never be handicapped!) I am just as normal and awesome as the hairiest person out there ;)
In all seriousness, I join this group hoping to connect with people going through a similar situation. Those I can relate to. Some I could possibly support. Ya know, it would be wonderful if the whole world was supportive and polite and tactful when dealing with others differences...but the truth remains that human nature is curious and not every human feels comfortable enough with themselves to respond to our differences in a positive manner. Please don't miss your hair. Hair is just...hair! YOU are not your hair!
I think I found this site accidentally, while hoping to find a site of Peggy's stylist...she ain't got one dammit!
I'm open to alllllll kinds of chit chat....
What's on your mind?
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • jo chesson

    hi T,

    I seem to have the same approach to my alopecia as you! I wear a wig or scarf when I go out but am generally bald around the house, I have a 9 month old nephew and I often wonder if he thinks he has 3 aunty jo's!!
  • Nini

    Hi T

    I love what you wrote on ur page, that is soooooooooo true. I love ur pictures and ur eyelashes, I am trying to find out where to get them and how to wear them. Please help.

  • Kimberly

    T, you crack me up. Love what you said on your page. I love, love the wig in the pic with you holding the coffee cup. That looks just like my "old" hair. What is the brand, if you don't mind? The baby is toooooo cute BTW.