
28, Female


United States

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About Me:
well i kinda suck at about me's so this'll be kinda random. i hate how my school revolves around stereotypes, but that's just how my school is run. so either hate it but do it, or hate it and not do it and never be able to describe anyone easily...oh well i guess i am kinda shallow. i don't think im that great of a person. i strerotype, i judge, i criticize, blah blah blah. im a recovering self-injurer i guess you could say. i struggle with my body image. im 5'1" (AND A HALF! YOU MUSN'T FORGET THE HALF!) 91 or so pounds, dirty blond, border-line brown wig. if you wanna give me a stereotype, you could call me skater-preppy crossover. im obsessed with black eyeliner and i love bright flashy makeup. school's out for summer and im not extrememly thrilled, but i am at the same time. im happy to get away from my ex, and the hateful comments i get at school, but summer is always sunny. and me, being the unique (*cough* weird *cough*) individual i am, i prefer cloudy, rainy, stormy days. i can laugh at myself, even if i'm embarressed. i'm the girl who will run to the bathroom nearly in tears if i see my ex, (see blogs for less confusing info about that) i have a lot of friends, but im pretty sure theres plenty of people who hate me. i don't really like it but what can you do? i have all the friends i need. haters can kiss my ass. i do cuss, a lot, so if you don't like it then just tell me and i wont if im talking to you. i have plenty of friends like that. i say "god damn" and "mother fucker" way too much. its addicting. im not very religious and i never understood (and still dont) why its bad to say "oh my god" and "jesus christ". well there's alot more to learn about me but im getting bored of writing so just talk :)
btw: i get sad reeeally easily. just thought i'd add that in there. music is a big contributer to it. too many songs with bad memories. well i'll shut up now. bye!
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  • Maya

    do ya wear a wig?
  • Brittany

    Hey courtney!!
    yes i can tease wigs but not when its windy!

    xoxo brittany<3
  • Persianov Gennadiy

    Happy birthday... I wish you good luck:)