Tony McCarthy




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About Me:
Im 57 yrs old have sufferred with alopecia since I was a teenager. For many years it was restricted to my scalp , but a few years ago it spread and now affects my whole body. Im a very shy person as a result . I was in a relationship with a wonderful woman but 3 years ago she decided to leave me ( guess I just got too old and too fat and too bald and too ugly,,,,Ah well
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Tallgirl

    Hang in there, Tony! I, too am 57 (will be 58 soon), and it is hard when the effects of time on the body are compounded by this alopecia "curse!" Relationships are a whole other thing, because many people our age are also going through change-of-life hormonal issues that limit confidence or make emotions go nuts. Then, there are the bills, downed economy, aging parents, kids with money or drama issues as they become young adults...arghhh! It is a wonder we can find relationships that last REGARDLESS of alopecia! What we CAN do is lose weight, whiten our teeth (cheap kit at the pharmacy...takes 7 days), buy clothes that flatter, eat healthy, and date people in our own age group instead of younger ones who won't understand menopause, ED, prostate issues, mood swings etc. as part of life. Good American movie to watch for our age: Something's Gotta Give (Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton).

    By the way, when I divorced (ex ran off with a Longhair), I dated an old beau who had gotten Bell's Palsy since I had known him in the '80s. One eye drooped, and one side (hand, leg, mouth) was slower. This did not matter to me, because I cared. I don't think my alopecia mattered to him, because he was bald, too...but he just wasn't into me enough, didn't share of himself enough, dated others, was a bit critical...I could have blamed the alopecia for the ending, but that would not be true. By the way, he is a man who always called himself the "fat man" and who didn't want kids because he said "all babies are born ugly." I think he lacked confidence and was afraid his genes would be carried on in a bad way...he avoided photos. But yet, there are many women he has dated. He was a great cook, and could tell great stories in a crowd.

    Keep the confidence, be friendly and kind, leave out the woe-is-me or drama, and find the humor in life. True people will find you. There ARE women out there who look for what REALLY counts!
  • Tallgirl

    Thanks for the red ribbon, Tony! My first ever "gift" on AW! Keep on talking and reading on this WILL find some answers from within!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Thanks Tony for the well wishes! WOW, all the way from Ireland!