Bren Harris

75, Female

Seaton devon

United Kingdom

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About Me:
I am 59 years old and have had Alopecia Universalis since I was 47. I am interested in meeting other people with Alopecia . I work as a Pharmacy Technician. I have two children - a daughter- 23- now going a P.G.C.E. at university and a son- 21- who woeks in a restaurant and is also the drummer in a ZZ Top tribute band - -check it out! I like to go to gigs - any music, I have a very eclectic taste. I also like to read - mainly thrillers and biogs. Finding people like me is a revelation!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • margaret watson

    Hi, I’m trying to arrange a get together this coming Saturday 23rd May. Can you meet up? When I find out who can make it I’ll arrange a mid way meeting place. I’m from Exeter – please let me know which town you coming from. I can’t wait to (at long last) meet others in the flesh who have alopecia. Margaret xx
  • JeffreySF

    Happy Birthday Bren!!!

  • Barb Petersohn

    Hi Bren,
    I haven't seen too many ladies our age in AW. I will be 60 in October. I have had AA for about 2 months or so. I don't know where it's going to go, but it sure is devastating. I have a doctor appt. in 2 weeks. We'll see what she has to say. Are you on any meds or treatment, if you don't mind my asking? The lady in the picture is my mom. I lost her in February. Miss her a lot. I do have family that supports me a lot. Even so, I am struggling at times. Wigs may be in my future.
    Thanks for listening.