Laura Taylor


Columbus, GA

United States

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About Me:
Mother of a 16 yr old w/alopecia
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Laurelinterprets

    I'm in Columbus, Georgia and I have a 17 year old son with alopecia universalis. Do you have a son or a daughter?
  • Larry Barbee

    Is there a list of medications that causes baldness available somewhere online?
    God bless,

  • ruinedbyroche

    Hi Laura,

    There are hundreds of similar cases online, so I imagine, many many more people who have had permanent hairloss since taking Accutane.  My doctor - the cowardly liar - told me there were no permanent side effects and it was a natural vitamin product.  Where is he now when I have to wear expensive wigs for the rest of my life...?  Laws don't protect us, the medical system doesn't protect us ; if you are injured by a legal, government approved medication, taken exactly as instructed, you're on your own. If you ever find an answer please let me know, although it appears it is too late for me.