

Petaluma, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am a 22 year old nursing student who finds joy in the little things in life! I am trying to be better about checking this site but life gets so busy some times! I would love to meet more people with Alopecia, so introduce yourself! :)
^That's my blog :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Zoey

    Yes, Its so pretty. We usually go during the summer time. I like to walk around the pier and go to China town.
    In China Town they always have the coolest stuff!!!
    We also live by Lake Tahoe~Thats nice... Too
  • Mary

    Hi - Welcome to the International Alopecia Day Group! All the best, Mary
  • Richard Alan

    To Babe,

    Hello, and I liked your profile and mention of being a nursing

    student, as I am pursuing similar study.   I have had a friend with

    Alopecia, which prompted my joining the site, and I view this site

    as a supportive resource.  

