De'Andrea Freeman


Rex, GA

United States

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About Me:
I am a 52 year old mother of 3 and grandmother of 6. I'm also a professional photographer and Trainer for a large Healthcare facility in the Metro Atlanta Area. I have "traction alopecia" from many years of wearing weaves and braids. I now embrace my problem by shaving my hair bald but because of my position as a trainer, I have to wear "lace wigs".... I love being bald and get loads of compliments when I'm out. I have been delivered mentally and spiritually now that I have embraced my problem instead of hiding from it. I thank God for wisdom!
Do you have alopecia?
Traction alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Trina Berry

    Thanks for the welcome De'Andrea. I see that you're a photographer. My fiance' is a photographer as well, he's the one that took the pic.
  • Galvin

    Cool videos! Looks to me like you got the moves. :)
  • Tallgirl

    Happy Birthday, classy lady!