merita hinnant




Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
im a 43 year old female; i have had alopecia totalis for 5 years; It has been 5 years of hell--- ive went through all the stages of grief and only this year am beginning to accept this condition; i've tried everything on the market for hairloss; (even tried a few that were kind a out there); At the present time i wear wear a wig most of the time in "public" and at home nothing; i wear synthetic wig and i have to say it looks really good on me; most people would never know it wasnt my reall hair unless they were told; But i live in south georgia and the summers are killer----sweat like crazy and HOT HOT-- it also moves around on me from time to time-- especially if im very active-- im so glad that i have finally found people that understand how i feel and will not judge me based on my hairloss or my size -- oh yeah forgot to mention im a bbw.
I want to change up wigs but i want my moneys worth; i need something low maintenance; and a wig that will stay put-- i wear a short style with bangs;
im glad to be here thanks for ur time
u may reach me on yahoo anytime luv to chat
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Dawn

    Hi Merita. How have you been??
  • Brandy googe

    thanks for adding Jazmin and i as your's nice tohave friends
    from everywhere but especially close to home
    Brandy and Jazmin
    Lyons ,Georgia

    I'm a retired RN with alopecia who moved to GA 18 mos ago.Would love to connect with those with alopecia .