

Milton Keynes

United Kingdom

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About Me:
Hello, I'm Kate, I'm 26 years and from England.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Hannah

    No when's the conference? Would be interested in going
  • Hannah

    Ooh I will look at it tonight and definitely think about going, do people go on their own? x
  • Jennah

    Hi there!

    I just wanted to share with you that I have really enjoyed reading your discussions you seem to have such a positive outlook and it is really inspirational to see. I hope I will grow to be the same :) Did you enjoy Queenstown? I am from New Zealand, Dunedin :) I go up there quite regularly to snowboard in winter etc . How did you like New Zealand ? :) thanks for your stories :) have uplifted me, so thanks :) xo