
45, Female

Athens, Alabama

United States

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About Me:
I have been married to a man for 6 years who has alopecia. It's never been an issue or even a thought in our relationship. I actually like bald men :) I run a day care in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. We have 2 cats that like to fight all the time. I play the piano and guitar and sing. I teach the high school Sunday School class at my church and the junior high class on Wednesday nights.
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • KnittyCat

    I live in Birmingham (actually a unincorporated area just west of B'ham.). We don't have any NAAF events, that I know of, around here. I would love to get a group going. There is a person out of Alabama on the NAAF support group list that I need to get in touch with her. I met a young girl at Outback in Gardendale (north of B'ham.) that has Alopecia. Other people have told me of people that they know with AA, but I have met very few in Alabama. I know they are out there, they are just hiding (LOL). email me at oneslyrn@yahoo.com.
  • Roger

    Hi LeeAnna.

    Will I see you and John in Houston next year?

    Take care, Roger.
  • Laurie

    Hi John & LeeAnna,

    Laurie here. Met you in Louisville. Went out to eat at Joe's crab shack. Thanks again for the ride back by the way. Hope your trip back was good. Take care and have a great summer.
