

Mexico city


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About Me:
I'm claudia and I'm 21 years old and I'm from Mexico! such a beautiful country :D. Well i decided to join this site cause i've been dealing with hair loss, diagnosed with difusse alopecia, still searching what i have but the problem is that my hair became so thin and weak and I look a little bald at the top of my head, the doctor said that maybe is beacuse of the extreme diet that I did this year, but the thing is that i've been losing my hair for quite a while now maybe years but now i can see is falling more and I can see my head, I'm scared cause I don't know what it is, I think many dermatologists here in Mexico are not very familiar with the types of alopecia! I've been very depressed beacuse of this, I'm losing my hair and not gaining anything! I hope somebody can tell what's going on
Well after that introduction of my hair haha I'm pretty fun, down to earth girl, shy in the begging but then I'm very open when I feel trust, always trying to help people that need it, i love listening to people and long deep conversations, love music, my fave band is PEARL JAM, their music really help me in these trouble times and movies! I think I go 2 times a week to the movies! Love reading books! :D.
I'm in college and studying marketing, and I love it! I have 2 sisters, I'm in the middle :D and my mom and dad are awesome very supportive specially my mom! and well I'm here to make friends and get to know people! If you wanna know anything just ask ;)
Remember: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Brittany

    hi claudia!
    i understand i have been busy school work too..
    i'm not gotta shave it.
    i'm gotta leave it be for now!
  • Víctor Ratzeburg

    Hola Claudia!!!, saludos desde Metepec, espero que podamos ser amigos y compartir experiencias; lo pirmero que te puedo decir es ¡ánimo!, el proceso suele ser doloroso; en mi caso sufrí una depresión muy fuerte, pero después de 13 años aquí seguimos dando lata...
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Claudia,
    How are you?