Erin Barber


Shreveport, LA

United States

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About Me:
Hi, I'm Erin! I am a mother of 2 wonderful boys, and married to my hero. I have a really great family and friends too. I am so lucky to have all of my blessings. I also have alopecia. It truely suck's! I have trouble with this every single day. It gives me more strength when I see that I'm not alone. I want to get stronger and overcome the sadness that this disease brings. One day at a time I guess.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • MacKenzie

    Hey Erin! I have been good, some days are harder than others. I have lost a majority of my eyelashes and eyebrows within the past few months as well. I am waiting for a new wig to come that I ordered. Still trying to find the perfect wig, which I worry will never happen. This wig you see in my picture is a little too dark for me and too shiny at times. It was $2800 too even being synthetic because you can use heat up to 400 degrees and style it so it works really well. Did you find a place near by? Hope you are doing well and keep in touch!

    Hey Erin ....the wig that im wearing in most of my photos is an Allegria Virgin Russian Hair wig.... from Allegria fin wigs in was a little over $3,000 I also have 2 other wigs ( yaffa wigs)...i bought a they were alot cheaper....and still nice.. i find that when or if ordering wigs ...buying them without earpeices make them alot more comfortable... and you can put the wigs up in a ponytail easier. Sometimes i add longer extenstions in my wigs to add a little more lengh...i just play around with it....good luck with your quest for a new wig..... my "dream wig" would be a blonde wig form "design by Flora" NY... there supposed to be the best... she has amazing reviews... oh
  • Erin

    Thank you!! You have a beautiful family and look very happy! Someday you will have more strength, you are great and don't forget it!