Patricia Gerbaud




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About Me:
After having been wrongly diagnosed with telogen effluvium early August 2012, my hair, which I hadn't lost completely then, grew again and within a week end November I lost it all ... I started wearing a wig early December but have the feeling I might stop wearing it in the summer (to go out). As soon as I get home I take it out, wear a turban (English word ?) or nothing at all, because it itches.
I also have Hashimoto thyroiditis.
Back again Aug 2013, made my 'coming out' at the end of June, haven't worn a wig during the summer, maybe once or twice on special occasions, feel great without one unfortunately the cold will be back and I'll need sthg, I think I might invest in even more turbans ;. People around me think I'm very brave, I don't just think i'm as positive as possible, haven't got a choice have I ? I don't think I would have ever shaved my hair but it's gone so if I have to live with it, I'd better get on.

Stress was definitely the trigger but since I've still got so many problems I don't think it's gonna grow back soon especially since I have AU.

So cheer up all of you, we aren't only hair.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • pecie

    Patricia, tu peux me lire et nous pouvons échanger sur nos expériences sur mon blog :
    Ici, je ne me sens pas à l'aise, le groupe français est insignifiant... Les anglophones ont de la chance eux, beaucoup de nouveaux billets intéressants presque tous les jours, beaucoup de chaleur partagée.

  • lenna

    Hey Patricia,
    AGA means androgenic alopecia. Female pattern baldness, where u loose hairs mostly on your crown area. I am 24 this yr. I was diagnosed with this since 20. I have healthy hairs on my back... so its making me unable to go for wigs. I am not ready yet to shave my head. M looking for something like bonded toppers.

  • Mary

    Hello, Patricia. Thank you for your Friend request. I see that you Liked my blog post about International Alopecia Day - I would love to have France represented in the 2013 annual video slide show, so please take a photo on August 3. Let me know if you have any questions about IAD. All the best, Mary