Sheila Burton



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My daughter Hayley developed alopecia aged 13 (she is now 21) which progressed to AT within 6 months. At the time I found it incredibly difficult to deal with because of fears of the unknown. I have been fortunate because my daughter has shown an exceptionally resiliant attitude to her condition and a love of life that has put my fears to rest. I am massively proud of her! I know that, at times, she finds comments and stares difficult to take so i'm sure that the support she has received from other alopecians has been uniquely precious. I can empathise with any parent of a child with newly diagnosed with alopecia because if you ask any of us what we want for our child we say "to be happy". Not knowing what alopecia will mean for their lives and fearing negative effects threatens that ideal and can make us feel helpless and distressed and alone. Thats where groups like this can provide support that is more specific to the needs of alopecians and their families and a sense of belonging.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Sharan

    Hi Sheila
    Your daughter is an inspiration to many with ali-p. She will continue to educate the world and of-course there are those who remain uneducated and always will.
    Warm wishes
  • Adrian Coe

    good on you Sheila! looks like your daughter is staying very positive! great support..she looks fabulous anyway so im sure things will work out...take care and giv her my love...x
  • Hayley Burton

    Dear Mummy,
    This little pug puppy is for you. I hope you like it.
    love from Humphalumph