Sheryl Miller


Peoria, AZ

United States

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About Me:
I'm 38 years old married with three awesome kids ! I began losing my hair in Nov. 2005. I have been to to several doctors and have had thousands of dollars worth of blood tests done. I am currently taking Wellbutrin and my doctor this week put me on Yaz. Had blood test done yesterday to check my estrogen levels. I feel hopeless !
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jules

    It was great to meet you too. Keep in touch & let me know if you have any questions. Are you planning on buying that wig you talked about?
  • sgomez

    Hi Sheryl!
    Sorry it took a while to get back to you. Between moving and school, I've been super busy. I'm taking a break from studying right now (hehe). want to just shave it off!! Wow! That's a big step! But most people that I know of who've done it felt more liberated. You must be at the point were you've just had enough already.
    About the vacuum wig--for me it works out great! But I dont have to shave my head or anything. The suction won't work unless your head is totally bald, or shaven. I found that its not too bad in the summers here with it on. I tend to stay indoors for most of it anyways. I don't think I'll ever get used to the heat!! Some drawbacks are: it gets oily, especially towards the end of the day. I sometimes have to take it off just to wipe it down inside because it starts to lose suction and slip around. Its also very expensive, and it's mail-order. A rep from Peggy Knight cam to AZ to take a mold of my head, but everything else is by mail. I have to say that it didn't bother me much, but I know that its not for everyone. The pros: The hair is top quality gorgeous!!! I've never had a wig this beautiful or natural-looking. I don't feel self-conscious at all, and that was a major thing for me. I don't feel other people's stares on me, or get nervous when I'm talking face to face with someone. You can always call Peggy Knight Solutions and they will send a rep out to meet with you. Ther'es no obligation, and they have samples of other types of wigs too. Good luck with everything! Keep in touch, I want to know what you decide to do! If you ever want to come to one of our meetins send me you contact info. I would love to meet you! My email address is
  • Nathalie27

    I am in the same boat my hair has been shedding more then usual for the past 3 or 4 years but the last 3 months its gone overboard, I have spent thousands on testing and went to every doctor and noone can help me, I am so depressed because I used to have beautiful hair and now its so thing you can see through it all over, but its not like fpb its thinning evenly all over I am so ashamed and scared and confused and too searching to find a wig I might like to make me feel a little better. nathalie