Kristen Viveros

43, Female

Canton, OH

United States

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About Me:
I am Native American Cherokee Indian and the love of my life is Mexican. We have 5 beautiful children between the two of us. I have two from a previous marriage and he does also and then we have one together. I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata on May 12, 2009. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Disease on the same day. Although I have just recently been diagnosed with Fibro, I have been dealing with the pain and other symptoms for 4 years. I am very familiar with Alopecia Universalis because my best friend Clara has been dealing with this since she was 12. I was the girl who watched her back in junior high school and beat up all the kids who liked to snatch her wig off and laugh. Now we get to look out for each other. I am very comfortable being bald. I chose not to wear wigs, I think that people need to get used to seeing me bald. I love my bandannas and that's just the way it is. A friend once told me "Hair is so over-rated!" lol (thanx C@). No matter what happens in my life, I have been able to hold my head high and swim to the other side. I'm not sure where I get so much confidence, but it's a great feeling to be able to be myself and not care what other people think. People may say what they want, it doesn't effect my life. As my husband says "I don't eat from your pocket so why should I listen to what you say." In other words, I take care of myself and you are not going to tell me how to live my life. I am here on Alopecia World to share my experiences and learn something new from someone else. Feel free to comment on whatever you feel like commenting on. I always enjoy reading someone else's experiences in life with Alopecia and/or Fibromyalgia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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    i am Puerto Rican & Cuban ma'i form the island of Puerto Rico yo.
  • Julia

    Canton, are in my used to be neck of the woods. I'm from Mansfield..."not exciting" lol

    Also, on FaceBook find and join the group "Alopecia (Hair Loss) Awareness" we want to be 1 Million strong by September due to Alopecia Awareness Month. AWARENESS is Key! make sure you share the group with all of your FaceBook Friends too. By the way my new book that showcases 22 women and stories about living with's called "Metamorphosis~Inspirational Stories of Women Living with Alopecia" by Julia Crittendon. You can go to your local Borders or order online at Barnes and Noble or Amazon!
  • beatriz castillo

    Hola Kristen,, me llamo Beatriz tengo universal desde los 3 meses de bebe,, ahora tengo 31 me ha causado una gran alegria ver a mi querido Xalapa ver,, precisamente de alli soy , espero saber de ti pronto,, hasta la proxima.