Misty Boggs


Breckenridge, TX

United States

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About Me:
I am 28 and I have two beautiful sweet girls! I just work and hang out with my kids! I have alopecia areata and it is very frustrating! I have 3 spots right now and its getting worse. I have just been wearing hats and fixing my hair in different ways to cover it up. I was so stressed at first....but now I'm kinda starting to accept it and just live a normal life! It is hard to just go on like nothings wrong. I had cortisone shots already and nothing is making the hair grow! If anyone has had good results from any treatments then please let me know! I love to make new friends so add me!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Pamela Rosse

    Oh, thank you so very very much.
  • Kimberly

    Hey - Yeah, everyone says that about my little girl. Our baby pics are the same too. Thanks. I just found 2 new spots. I'm not sure what to do. I wish it would just stop falling out and I pray that it does. It's in Gods hands now, I have faught it too long with the worry and stress. I trust that he will reoslve it soon for me. I get so down sometimes, but when ya pull back and take a look at it, there really is nothing I can do. I can treat the symptoms, however, if my hair is terminal, well then, it's terminal and not a whole lot I can do other than place my focus on wigs and a new lifestyle. I guess we need to be thankful for our hair falling out and the fact we don't have some horrible condition that prevents us from playing with our kids and being physical, ya know? I am here for you when you need me. 828-442-1774, and you can send me a note anytime also. I'm in NC. Take care~
  • Jennifer M

    Hey! Sorry for a very delayed reply!! I havn't been so active lately!
    I'm all good thank u, how are you doing?
