
38, Female



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About Me:
I was diagnosed with Alopecia areata by my Doctor February 16th. I haven't been to a dermatologist yet.. was referred, but I guess it takes a while to get an appoitment here.
I started out just noticing the one patch (about the size of a toonie) while scratching my head. Later on that night, I noticed another one the size of a dime, at the nape of my neck. Acouple weeks after that I noticed a really small one under my larger one... almost looks like a hair part, but it's round. In my larger spot there is hair growth... some blonde, some brown.. and feels to be more each day. As excited as Iam.... I know alopecia is unpredictable so iam trying not to get my hopes up.
Iam so happy to have found a place like this, it's comforting knowing I am not alone.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Craig S

    Hi Meghan- noticed our comment about the B12- maybe try the shots once per week. You can get the stuff at the Pharmacy- I got an Rx from a nutrition lady- a RHN- and picked it up - you use a diabetic needle- very easy to do and only about once per week. Better than the oral doses as far as B12 goes.

    Hope it helps and good luck at the derm.
  • Rachel

    Hi Meghan, sorry it took me so long to reply. I definitely think losing my eyebrows was the worst part. The eyelashes stunk because I would get stuff in my eyes, but it was such a pain to draw on my eyebrows even. I would get so frustrated some days. It was hard to get them level and looking the same. If they wouldn't have started growing - I was ready to get them tattooed on! It definitely took me a long time each morning! I am so grateful for my eyebrows now!
  • Ben Lainhart

    Hope ya had a great holiday Meghan!