
75, Female

Baltimore (CharmCity) Md.

United States

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About Me:
I'm the Mom of a 28 yr. old son named, Vince. He has had AU since 2005. We don't know of any other relative that has alopecia. Vince is still the vibrant and charming person he's always been. No one or nothing can take that away!
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Dotty

    Hello my friend,
    Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the job search, I had hoped it would go much better for you. But, I'm glad you're enjoying your time off!!! I had a few weeks off myself due to having to take care of my daughter, and if I didn't have so many people and so many bills to take care of, I could definitely get used to it!!! Especially in the summertime! But, all good things come to an end and I'm back to working my 2 jobs again. If you were here, I'd give you one of mine :-) I'm gonna go check out your myspace page again. Chat soon!!! Love and Hugs, Dotty
  • For VG

    Hi Carol,
    Is Vince still in MD? I'm in COllege Park area. I was diagnosed with AU 2 years back and have not hair on scalp, eyebrows, scalp or body. I'm just looking to meet people with AU in our area.
  • JeffreySF

    Happy Birthday Carol!
