Ronda Neuert


The Colony, TX

United States

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About Me:
Almost three years with Alopecia - Still trying to figure it all out :o)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Cherylnz

    Hi Ronda
    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Maygensmom

    Hi are beautiful....did you not loose eye brows and lashes?
  • Maygensmom

    She has had AA since she was 3. At three she lost her hair on her head first, then all of her hair on her body, including peach fuzz. It grew back in and fell out again. Then it finally grew back and she had hair. When her hair returned she lost a few spots here and there. Now at 13 she has lost almost 80% of her hair in less than 3 months. I am worried about the eye lashes and brows too. How long have you been at 90% hair loss?