claire taylor


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Well it all began just before my 30th birthday and after the birth of my daughter, now six, I noticed a bald patch at the back of my head when doing my hair. Little did i realise within the next 3 months I would lose 70% of my hair. Friends and family did everything to boost my confidance, but, all i did was cry. After unsuccessful attempts at wearing wigs which itched, was too hot etc i resolved to wearing hats. Mmmm not a very good idea I have to say. Then I was silly enough to travel to London to have a 'volumiser' created on my head. However, that was short lived and a lot of money down the drain. Eventually I returned to a shop in glasgow and after several attempts at different wigs I chose the one I really suited. My confidence increase and off I went to uni to study primary teaching. After two years my hair grew back but here I am yet again, hair is practically gone and I'm devastated, so much so I can't look in the mirror, make excuses not to go out with friends, have put on weight and suffer with depression. Today I came across this blog so heres hoping people out there will help me through this.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Erica

    Hi Claire,

    Seems to be quite a few of us from Glasgow here! Must be something in the water.

    Welcome to the site - I'm sure you'll find loads of people here to help and inspire you. I think it's really great to find so many people going through a similar experience, especially when so many are accepting of what is happening to them. I come back now and again when it's all getting worse and I'm feeling a bit down. Normally makes me feel just that little bit better.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Claire!
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. There is a lot of support here!
    Let me know if I can help.