Esther Ryu


Chino Hills, CA

United States

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About Me:
Iam 22 years old.
I've had a full head of hair all my life, just until November 2009.
now i am completely bald from head to toe...
I have no eyelashes so my eyes are always dry and itchy.
I have no nose hair so my nose is always runny and congested.
I dont even have any peach fuzz so my skin is dry and scaly
I used to be hott but now im not.

do i need to accept it? do i have to accept it?
not to sound like a self consumed b*tch but i really dont care what others say about me...
it doesn't matter what others think about me, but it matters what i think about myself...i've always kinda been that way...

but i dont feel like im in my own skin anymore...and it hurts to look in the mirror...

everyday is a miracle.

used to be alopecia areata ophiasis type.
turned into totalis...
now its universalis...
does this usually happen?
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Devin

    Happy Valentines Day Esther!
  • Sophia

    Thanks for accepting my friends request. You are too pretty girl! :)
  • Zhong Hongchen

    AA-AT-AU。。。Me too