Karen Grevious


Cleveland, OH

United States

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Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Karen,
    I know it can be difficult at any age. My daughter will be 7 in a few weeks and she is starting to be more conscious of her bald spots. She has had alopecia since she was 4. I just feel helpless knowing there is nothing I can rerally do. The doc says she is still too young for steroids or cortisone shots. All I can do is wait and hopefully she wont lose any more hair. Its good to talk with other people who understand. Before this site I felt like my daughter was the only one going through this. You will find alot of support here. What nursing area do you specialize in? I am starting nursing school this fall.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Karen!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I think that sometimes it's harder for the parents than it is for the kids. I, myself, have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women (and parents and girls) were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" (It just won two national book awards!) You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Apple

    You’re beautiful, I’m so proud of you. I on the other hand just can’t go back, the risks are minimal. I’ve been on xeljanz for 10 years. Alopecia has cost me a great deal of stress, poor body image, self esteem, spouse among other things. I think I’d rather take a chance at looking normal.