Susan Beausang


Sarasota, FL

United States

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About Me:
Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Alopecia Universalis. Being faced with a sudden, unexpected, and drastoc appearance change makes for a big emotional adjustment. We live in an appearance-driven society where female baldness is not accepted as one of many versions of "normal".

My initial adjustment to being bald was a rocky road. I had always been physically active and very social. Hair loss turned me into a hermit. I didn't understand the disease and could not find support in my area. I retreated to the safety of my home and dropped out of everything for quite some time. Well-meaning friends tried to be supportive but the typical comments such as "it's only your hair" just made me feel worse. I felt alone, but I also realized that I was the only one who could turn my emotional state around.

Little-by-little, I began to accept the "new me" and tried to find a solution to my hairless head. I tried wigs but they just didn't suit my life style. I tried to find a fashionable alternative (scarves) and was disappointed by the lack of fun and fashionable scarves. I came to realize that the head scarf market for the hairless was lagging way behind the fashion industry. I've always been involved in fashion, so I began to design my own suitable solution - the birth of the beaubeau®: "Beautiful Scarves for Beautiful Heads".

Initially, I didn't know if anyone else would find my scarves as comfortable and fun to wear as I did. Turns out many women and girls love them as much as I do. I've now been designing scarves for 6 years. Alopecia handed me the opportunity to help other women and girls cope with their hair loss in a dignified and stylish manner. There is no substitute in life for the feeling that you have made a difference in the life of someone else! Thank you Alopecia!

Susan Beausang
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • Natalia

    Hallo Susan,
    you have very nice photos, you are very beautiful .
    I was very upset having alopecia, but
    I see, it is possible to be beautiful having alopecia.

  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Susan,
    Love all your pics and your scarves! The colours look fabulous on you. You are gorgeous.

  • wendizzle

    Please check out my blog: I sent you a friend request but I left out the "blogspot" part of the address. ;)
    I'd love to feature your site on my blog.