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Hello guys, I will tell you my alopecia story. If you wanna talk to me more personally, i would love that, dont be shy, i wont bite.... unless u kinda like it.

Around a year ago i went to get my hair cut short... and two naked spots showed up in my hairline.... one above my right ear, and one in my neckbase. at the time i just thought ... and hoped, it was something temporary and it would grow back ... but the spots just grew bigger n bigger, and ...i started losing a bunch of hair every morning, in the shower.... and about a week of that horrible experience every morning i just decided ... enough is enough... and i shaved it all off.

I still had alot of bodyhair and eyebrows and eyelashes at that time .... but they are gone now and today im almost completly naked.... from hair :).

It has some positive sides, i dont have to bother fixing my hair or shaving in various places anymore, ... but still ... i miss my hair alot :< ...

But i dont care that much ... the eyebrows are the only thing i care about missing ALOT ... gotta fix me some eyebrows somehow :).

Catch you on the flipside!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Alina07

    Hey Thanks for accepting my add. I admire your positive out look on life & Alopecia.

  • Essence

    haha. thank you.

  • Pat

    I'm loving those eyebrows!!!