


United States

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About Me:

ElloElloEllo. Im rebecca Sheehan. I had Alopecia eversince i was 3 and i've been dealing with it since. I dont really like talking about it, so just i/m me or ask me for my myspace, im always on that lol ; im barely even on AlopeciaWorld. haha but when i am on i try to comment & message everyone back as soon as i can [: Haha, well love you all <3
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Carmella

    I hear that girl! Keep your head up tho lil mama. Letting go of the BS is a difficult skill to aquire that's for sure. It'll get better too promise. School doesn't last forever and after that you can be more particular about who to surround yourself with.
    Kiss Kiss
    P.S. Let me know if you need me to start a riot - jk
  • Maya

    how old are you?? i really dont like talking about it ether....its just too depressing.... please accept my friend request
  • sam

    Hi rebecca,

    How are you ?