


Profile Information:

About Me:
I've been struggling with alopecia areata for the past 6 years and it is getting worse.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Alliegator

    Thank you for the add, and for wanting to follow my blog! If you click on the link below, look toward the very bottom of the page on the right hand side. It will say " + Follow". Click on the Follow, and then a box should pop up where you will enter in your email address. Once that is done then click on "Sign me up". You should then receive an email if I submit a new post.
    Thanks again, and I'm glad you joined this website.

  • Starshine

    Hi dmf. Did you see the derm yet? Did he/she give you any advice on treatment options? There has to be something that does not have horrible side effects, or maybe not. Let me know how it goes for you.

  • Starshine

    Hi Dmf, it is good to hear from you. You have to do what treatment you feel comfortable with. How bad is your hair loss at this time? I know you have had it longer than me, but it does not sound as bad. I have lost at least 50 percent, although it has been a slow loss over about a year. After talking with BekindtoEarth, I think I am going to ask the new derm I am seeing today about oral Prednisolone. I dont like the side effects either but I am really afraid of loosing all my hair if I dont do something. Doctors do seem reluctant to go that route. I f you do ever consider it, check with her as she has a lot of good info from her doctor and can tell you more about the side effects. I will let you know what my new derm says.