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About Me:
Diagnosed with AA in December 2011 and still learning the ropes but here is my journey so far...

It was Tuesday 20th December 2011 whilst happily settled on the sofa watching TV that I happended to touch my scalp and felt a baby soft bald spot. I wasn't sitting on the sofa for much longer as I raced to the bathroom grabbing a mirror to take a closer look. To my horror I noticed that I didn't just have one patch but 2 or 3 bald patches proudly protuding through my head of hair. I wondered what it could be - at first I thought maybe a skin infection and then my worst worry dawned on me that it could be Alopecia. I went straight onto the internet and pretty much self-diagnosed myself in a minute. I was devastated at the thought that I could possibly loose all my hair and phoned my Mum in tears saying my hair was falling out and that I thought I had Aplocecia Areata. Of course she told me I was overreacting and to try and get some sleep and not worry about it too much but maybe get an appointment to go and see someone the next day.

I didn't sleep much that night and the next morning went straight down to see a Dermatologist who specialises in AA who confirmed my suspicion. I broke down in tears at the diagnosis and the fear of the un-known as he really could not give me any more answers than the ones I already knew from my initial research the night before.

He went through the various treatments (not cures) available of which he suggested injections into my scalp & a hair tonic Minoxidil. I didn't like the injections but I didn't like the idea of being bald even more. I had one injection of Kenacort which was put into various spots on the patches. Some hurt some didn't and he sent me on my way to come back in 2 weeks or sooner if I noticed any more spots appearing. I noticed more patches but waited the 2 weeks before going to see him again when I had another round of injections. This time they hurt a little more I guess because I knew what to expect.

I think the first 2 weeks of my diagnosis I was sort of in limbo worrying about what was going to happen. The unknown was killing me and stressing me out and of course more stress brought on more patches. I have no idea if the rate of my hair loss is slow or fast. I did a lot of extensive research and by the time my third appointment came round I had a much better understanding of what I was dealing with. This new knowledge made me decide that I no longer wanted to do the injections (there was no guarantee they would work and I didn't see the point of having these steriods inside me if they were not going to work 100%). My dermatologist respected my decision but wanted me to carry on with the Minoxidil (twice a day) and also gave me a steriod cream Elomet (to put on at night).

By now I was looking into alternative treatments of which I have finally settled on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) as my path of action. My initial consultation picked up a blockage in my Kidney Qi & Spleen Qi - both of these organs I learnt supply blood/energy to the hair follicle area. At last I feel I have a possible answer to sorting out what is going on inside my body rather than just merely treating the symptoms. I have some herbs to drink as a tea and I have accupuncture to release these blocked Qi. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and feel much happier in myself.

I am also making other changes in my lifestyle

1) Trying to eat a lot more healthily and drink a lot more water (I am a terrible water drinker)
2) Take time out to meditate/relax to relieve worry & stress
3) Diffuse lavender oil into my bedroom so I get a peacfeul nights sleep
3) Write any worries/things to do in a list and leave it on my bedside table so they are not swimming around in my head interrupting my sleep
4) Doing more exercise so I am really tired by bedtime and actually get a deeper sleep
5) Use organic lavender shampoo and body wash to keep the calming aura around me

I am still using the Minoxidil I find it helps in styling my hair and giving it some volume, the ointment I know only use once a week. TCM is my main focus at the moment. I feel my hair loss has slowed down but cannot say if that is because of the treatment or if my case is just at that stage of it's cycle. I will continue with this path for now and the rest is just a waiting game on what is going to happen.............will it all come back or will it all fallout....WHO KNOWS :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome!
    How are you today?
    Leslie Ann

  • BTB (John)

    Hi Mel welcome to the group it is a great site. John