
50, Female

southern california

United States

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About Me:
In May of 1996 I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. By September it was Totalis. A little later it was universalis.

I'm disappointed with the lack of medical treatments, but twelve + years later, I've gotten 'used to' not having 'hair that grows out of my head' hair is purchased.
Interestingly, most of my hair grows back while pregnant. I had a Homer Simpson look when pregnant with baby #1 and a newborn hairdo when baby #2 was born. My theory is that if I could remain 8 months pregnant for the rest of my life, I would eventually grow back and maintain a full head of hair. ;)

I think I miss the eyebrows a lot, and the eyelashes. I use the lack of hair there as an excuse to not exercise, LOL. Ya know, the sweat just drips from the head into the eyes (and stings!) without hair there to divert the sweat drops. I used to spend (easily) 20 minutes fretting about how to evenly draw on eyebrows. After so many years of it, I have mastered a "cute" brow in less than a minute. I fear pain, and so am afraid to go for the permanent brow. Ouchie! I used to buy some cream stuff from a distributor of some cosmetics line, but my distributor moved away and I have not seen a product similar to it. It was a cream, I believe it was a "control cream"? It was designed for (people who have brows) filling in with pencil and then the cream was to be brushed or dabbed into the brow and sort of created a water resistant / sweat resistant / fade resistant finish. I used to dab it on my (hairless) penciled on brow, and that way, my sweat of the day (yuck) wouldn't make it drift away. Also, if I took my son to the pool and water splashed on my face, the brow stayed safely in place. I've tried some of those temporary tattoo brows ... they stayed nicely for a couple of days but Wow, it was tough for me to line them up on my face.

Any way: if you have any brow product suggestions, I'd like to hear about it!

Call me weird, but I actually miss shaving. Every once in a while ... maybe once or twice a year ... I grow a little patch of hair on one of my legs or my armpits. I make it a grand production to go and buy a new ladies razor and shaving cream/gel. Funny: I can remember when I used to "complain" about having to shave!

I worry about our kids having alopecia, although the pediatrician insists it's not likely that they will. But really: how much do doctors REALLY know about alopecia?
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Zoey

    Welcome.. Totally understand you.. Its been almost ten years for me.... Doctors do not know nothing! :)

    I'm in Cali too...
  • Debbie Dibelka

    Hey Kyrie, long time no talk. Thanks for telling me about this site. It's really great! How are you? Havent heard any update on your hair yet. Just that they are charging 395 instead of 375 like last time:{ How are the kids? Ashley is starting high school soon! Amandas wedding is still on in Jan. Ive gone back to synthetic right now. My last custom was kindof a disaster. Just too much hair to deal with. I miss the comfort of the custom but the synthetic is so much easier. Can't find just the right one though. I got the color down but can't find quite the right style. Maybe I'll try the custom again. I'll call when your hair is ready. Does your old one need trimming? Deb
  • Debbie Dibelka

    Hey Kyrie,
    Best to call me next week. The wedding is this weekend so can't think about anything else. Call me at work next week and maybe I'll have my brain back. Hope you are well. Deb